Summer Start Times
It was recently decided at the last golf committee meeting that the tee times for Spring (Sept - Nov inclusive) on a Monday and Thursday will start from 8:00am.
In discussion with our Coure Superintendent and the expectation of spring growth, this is required to allow his team to create the best possible playing experience for members and guests. We used to have a lot more one tee starts which made it simpler for the greenkeepers to do what they need to do without getting in the way of golfers, however, now with the increased participation and member requests for tee times, we need to pivot to allow this to still happen.
As an example when there are no golfers on the course the two mower fairway team can mow 14 fairways in three hours (6:30am-9:30am), but when there are golfers on the course it takes two hours for the two mowers to mow just four fairways. This is not particularly time efficient and stops the team from getting to other jobs.
In summary, we would like to notify members that there is to be no play on course on Monday and Thursday before 8:00am during September, October and November. This measure will be reassessed with the Course Superintendent in November and changes made if necessary.
We understand this may impact some golfers but for the betterment of the playing surface and enjoyment of all, we think these steps are needed. Anyone found on the course before 8:00am will be asked to leave by one of the team here at the course.